As this fantasy from Skyryder23 begins, The international criminal known as "Evil Santa" is working in his evil workshop at the South Pole in preparation for the holidays when Super Kaan bursts into his lair and confronts him. The champion of justice confidently announces she's catching him early so he can't pull of one of his nefarious schemes during the true holiday season. The festive villain chuckles and commends the masked adventuress for a nice try, and then activates a special switch. Much to her surprise, Super Kaan is then attacked by Evil Santa's wicked creations -- and the masked crimebuster is powerless to resist the dark magic which gives them life! The sinister toys bind her with enchanted rope and she's powerless to stop them when they ballgag her (shown on-screen). Once Super Kaan is subdued, her nemesis taunts her as he removes her mask, and then he snatches the magic amulet that grants the booted babe her amazing abilities. He ridicules her for falling into his trap, and mocks her hubris for bursting in without a plan. He then promises his trussed-up guest that he has some wonderful things planned for her, and he leaves her alone to make his depraved preparations. Super Kaan struggles against the snug ropes, but without her amulet she has no hope for escape! She squirms against her bondage, unable to reach the knots, and unable to pick them loose with her gloved fingers which she can. Then Super Kaan is hogtied. She moans and helplessly rolls around on the floor of the workshop, knowing she's completely at the mercy of her cruel host. What does Evil Santa have in store for her next?