This series of second-camera highlights from "Action Lady Captured!" begins with our busty protagonist (Carissa Montgomery) in the clutches of the corporate spy Vibert. Dressed up as a sexy secretary in a miniskirt, fishnet stockings, high heels and a white blouse, Action Lady is securely tied to a chair and silenced with a stuffed cleavegag. As her bondage continues, a detective gag is layered over the stuffed gag, her considerable breasts are exposed and her legs are bound wide apart.
Leggy piano instructor Anna Nolan (Anna Lee) is overpowered by her new student. The mini-skirted babe is ballgagged and bound hand and foot. The pantyhose-clad cutie tries to hop away, but her captor stops her in time. More ropes are added to her snug classic bind, including a strict elbows-together tie. But the villain isn't going to let Anna go just yet!
The last secretary in bondage of the feature is Arielle Lane. The gorgeous brunette is cleavegagged with a bandana and roped into a classic tie on the sofa. When she's caught as she tries to hop away more rope is added and the luscious captive is bound into a snug fold-tie. Our feisty damsel struggles for all she's worth (her miniskirt rides up, exposing her stocking-tops and panties) and Arielle manages to get off the sofa, but when she falls onto her side she's complete helpless.